25.2 C
City of Banjul
Saturday, July 27, 2024


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The lack of a national football arena required for international matches has been a source of embarrassment for the country since the continental l football body Caf declared The Independence Stadium not fit for purpose. The government hurriedly conducted an initial renovation work ahead of a Caf inspection visit last year which unfortunately asked for more work to be done to meet the requirement.
Recently, the government embarked on the second phase of renovation which it said will hopefully meet standards.
Last week, members of the National Assembly committee on youth and sports told the minister of youth and sports, Bakary Badjie and his team that they want them to expedite the renovation work to meet Caf’s requirement .


Led by Hon Saihou Bah, the committee expressed concern about the length of time it is taking and the effect it has on the national football team which has not played in the country for such a long time.
The purpose of the meeting was to brief the committee about the progress in remodeling and renovating The Independence Stadium. Minister Badjie informed the parliamentary committee that the second phase of the renovation would include expanding the players’ tunnel, upgrading the media tribune and media center, raising the perimeter fence, painting, landscaping, adding parking signage, installing a pumping machine, and putting in a new scoreboard.
He said those upgrades are part of the additional scope of work identified by the Caf inspectors.
Minister Badjie assured the NAMs that upon completion of the second phase, they are hopeful that the stadium will meet CAF requirements for hosting international matches.

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