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City of Banjul
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nigerian Queen Temitope visits Yoruba King in Gambia

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Her Royal Highness Temitope Morenike Enitan, Queen consort to his Imperial Majesty, the Ooni of Ife, has paid a courtesy visit to the King of the Yoruba Community in The Gambia, His Royal Highness Dr Oba Moshood Abolade (Ariwajoye1).

The meeting took place at the Yoruba King Palace in Farato Sunday.

Queen Temitope is in Banjul for the launching of the Fatoumatta Bah-Barrow Foundation, a humanitarian organisation founded by Gambia’s First Lady.

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She was welcomed to the palace by the Yoruba King, his family and chiefs and members of the Yoruba Community. The visit is meant to enhance a cordial relationship between the two royal households.

The Queen said she is impressed by Gambians solidarity and receptiveness towards their Nigerian brothers and sisters.

She hailed the Gambian leadership and people for creating favourable conditions for Nigerians in the country while urging her compatriots to continue to support and contribute to Gambia’s development and to the growth of the friendship and cooperation between the two nations with shared values, culture, language and tradition.

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His Royal Highness Oba Moshood Abolade (Ariwajoye1) on behalf of the Yoruba Community in the Gambia thanked Queen Temitope for the visit. He assured the Queen the Yoruba Community will continue to work as brothers and sisters to ensure the progress of their people and communities and serve as good ambassadors in the Gambia.

The event all witnessed the formal launching of the Yoruba Women Association in the Gambia consisting of women from various backgrounds within the Yoruba Community with shared values and commitment to enhance and promote the welfare of women and children and community development initiatives.

His Royal Highness Oba Moshood Abolade (Ariwajoye1) presented a cheque of D10,000 to the Association and also promised a monthly contribution to support their activities.

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