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Sunday, September 15, 2024

The top 4 universal targets of our time, plus where government and media failed and yet to repent

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The word universal in this particular discussion is referring to over 99%, but in every single country. Human evolution sometimes needs revision, after God reveals information through one of us, who may or may not be affiliated with any single company or state in regards to official position. Eventually, a state or multiple states will have to be convinced towards realizing such targets. Whereas I believe humankind may be heading towards the right direction, I am not convinced our speed and commitment are impressive. We need specific Targets to be achieved within specific timelines. Among those targets are

1. Universal mandatory education up to age 18 or 20.

2. Universal culture of cameras in public places.

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3. Universal legalisation of cannabis.

4. Universal adult home owning. All the mentioned targets are achievable within two to five years, provided we put in the necessary efforts God demands.

Universal adult home owning within two to five years is feasible and necessary in our age. Since I am arguably the first person to claim adult home ownership is a human right and claims the feasibility, then I have the burden to prove it, at least the details in theory. In my last article, I said the book can be written within one to three months, with high focus. Unfortunately, the needed high focus is not yet here, so what can we do to raise my focus or work with my low to medium focus? Collaboration, Collaboration, Collaboration. The thoughts are with me, but anyone who is into high writing quality will agree the type of energy or focus you need to speak, read, or recite is often much lower than writing. The Angels wrote, Muhhahm^mahd (pbuh) recited, and others wrote in easier writing. Similarly, if any state or xyz can provide two to four great writers to work with me, then we can produce the book to convince at least millions, then the movie and/or actual realization can convince billions… I am not demanding any payment during that one to three months, but it must be in a fairly comfortable area, like a state house or hotel with a gym, kitchen, and basic things. I do not want to spend too much time on things very few people can relate to or act upon, so we can work out the details of the possible contracts in private.

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Where does the government and the mainstream media fail on home ownership and will they repent? First, they failed to declare it as a human right, then work on who has which primary responsibilities versus secondary responsibilities? The list of their failures can be very long, so I have to limit it and focus on where I want to see repentance. What percentage of government and the media employees own homes, and do they care about every trying citizen owning a decent home in a reasonable timeline? Where-as the new two to five years timeline I set may be doubted by many low minds, I ask how long do they think the average worker and laborer should work to own a home? We must reject excuses that focus on the lowest of humankind or even by pointing to those who failed through a bad system after decades of trying. You cannot tell me every tenant or homeless person is useless or refused to work hard.

The world of numbers is vital, but even numbers can sometimes be misleadingly vague, manipulated by questionable politicians, and echoed by robot minded journalists, towards an even more naive population? If you check home ownership ratio by countries on Wikipedia, you will realize countries like China claimed 96%, Cuba 90%, Russia 89%, United States is at 65.9%, and Nigeria is at 25%. Such numbers are shamefully against capitalism or the capitalism of US and copying countries. These numbers are claimed ownership, but actual home ownership is much lower in all mentioned countries. The numbers seem to represent non-renting folks, which include yet to be fully paid homes, spouses who may lose that title through divorce, and relatives beyond adult offsprings. So keep that questionable number, but how do we add other numbers to give us a more precise picture of home ownership realities? Secondly, just like we have classes for hotels, we should set universal classes for homes.

I am promising ‘decent and upgradable’ homes, and hinted at decent than average two bedroom apartments in US, and upgradable to the average mansion of millionaires. Again, put me to the test if that sounds impressive, if you consider me largely truthful, or admitting I do see where the average politician or journalist in any country is yet to see or discuss?

Your average journalists and politicians keep telling you the trade deficits between US and China, so Trump thinks tariffs against Americans will solve that issue? Another group talks about unemployment rates between countries, so politicians pitch plans to reduce unemployment. So which journalists failed and failing to mention home ownership ratio, so that politicians can at least pitch plans on how to increase home ownership, vaguely or precisely? If we sincerely embrace my plan on universal adult home owning, we will automatically solve many world issues. You think you have a right to doubt me more than to work with me? You think you do not have a responsibility to ask politicians their plans on home ownership and why the huge differences? Countries like Nigeria is listed around 25% , while China is at 96%, and countries like the Gambia are not even listed? What is the average cost of a decent home in every country versus average income in such countries will reveal we accept some people, including working people do not deserve a home, just keep on paying rent to the Trumps and Adama Barrows — Both presidents hailed from the questionable real estate industry, may not like a plan to free the people, or let them prove me wrong. Present a plan or do not say no one can do it. While some socialist leaning countries are discussing ‘universal basic income’, what percentage of that income will go to paying rent to the Trumps and Barrows? Ask the people do you prefer universal adult home owning or a questionable income to largely give to the robbing rich?

Universal mandatory education up to age 18 or 20 should be seen as a right to be formally educated. If we agree every child has that right, and agree the child cannot fight for such rights, then me and you must fight for them where need be. It means we ask if parents have the primary responsibility, then the state or states have the secondary responsibilities. It means parents should not and cannot deny children right to education, or will deserve at least the hell of human prisons and God’s hell if they die. By extension, states and citizens who are indifferent to the right of the child to be educated deserve some sort of hell… It means the child may become a criminal or terrorist that God should allow? Or should God allow something like covid 19 or worse against the guilty states and citizens who want to be indifferent to even children? The best thing a parent or state can give to a child is learning opportunities; so the worst thing a parent, state, or states can explicitly or implicitly deny a child is learning opportunities.

So if parents can go to jail for not paying child-support, then parents should go to jail if they deny a child even formal education or reasonable time to study. Again, the discussion cannot be too lengthy, but we must hint where we expect politicians and journalists to work on. It boils down to how much time and finance each parent and state should minimally sacrifice towards universal human literacy within two to five years. Cuba is a shining example of that and we have a lot more tools than Cuba had. The problem is we lack the commitments at national and international levels. We even lack the foresight to improve how we gauge literacy ratios?

In countries like the u.s, such will greatly help minorities and males. They may fear the competition it may bring, but maybe they are just blind to the endless good it will do. Internationally, we see it as humanitarian first, but it also means less and better immigrants. So let the governments negotiate and pressure each other on presenting their plans, or contract me on how to achieve it in two to five years. We cannot say only Cuba can do it. Once we have proven a method or methods, then denying visas to illiterates or charging extra fees to illiterates in some areas will be genuine. Some adults may frown at it first, but they will thank you once they learn to read and are enjoying a lot more through literacy. We cannot forward excuses like freedom, because freedom without knowledge is dangerous.

Again, the failures are many and even the expected repentance must be concise? Rather than every Nato Member must spend two percent on weapons, tell me all member countries of the UN, World Trade Organisation, AU, etc demand at least xyz percent on basic education, mid and high level education or face the consequences. By extension, it means we upgrade how we report on literacy. 99 percent literacy is the old way, I demand at least three figures as a new standard: 99-75-25 will mean 99 percent have high school level literacy; 75% with bachelors; and 25% with masters degree or higher. At the national level, you can choose even a six figure type of classification. The importance of such upgrading from vague numbers is to encourage both individuals and states towards more efforts. Sometimes the problem is availability, but also affordability. Although I encourage people to spend time and money on education, over-commercializing things like education contributes to why capitalist leaning countries are not seeing a high number of people trying to pursue higher education. How a nation treats its poor says a lot about the character of a nation, its leaders, and its voters or even allies. Laws and policies have implicit effects on the poor. When the rich or authorities deny the poor even education through unreasonable fees, then average income and lowest wages must be factored before we buy excuses from the state or blame the poor adults without being indifferent or penalising the poor kids.

Universal culture of cameras also means enough cameras, preferably over 99% of public places are under some form of cameras by civilians more than governments. Again we have to see it as a right of our generation, then we can proceed to ask who has the primary responsibilities versus the secondary responsibilities. The worst of civilians may argue ‘privacy’ even in public places or assume the government should buy the cameras and control them, releasing and withholding at will? The best of civilians must remind such: public spaces demand public responsibility — so let the civilians and government all have enough cameras. Allow the government reasonable time to release their footages, but where they are late or lying, civilians should release their versions in smart ways, social media, special organisations, trusted friends, etc. Let your privacy rights be largely limited to private places.

The worst of politicians will argue excuses like how Florida states ‘no recording of cops to ‘protect cops’? Good cops welcome cameras and how many innocent cops were ever harmed due to public recordings? Again, the best of politicians and the media must understand the difference between resisting and confronting, then educate the masses. Sometimes resisting is not enough, you have to confront lies and cruelties. You challenge them in courts and even mass protests with body cameras by civilians. Once well educated, at least millions of Floridians will understand their responsibilities and take the needed risks. Excuses like ‘each state has laws’ will mean every country can have such terrible laws? So shame on Trump and Desantis+ for not being tough on crimes by police or understanding the time based rights of the public. However, shame on Biden, Harris, and all u.s mainstream media for not, strongly, confronting such bad laws. The responsibility to speak up or ‘exhort each other to truth’ is on all of us, and cameras are mediums of truth, property or blessings of the truthful Lord.

Security, security, they campaign on but where are the national and international agreements on cameras as example? Even where negotiations fail, let smart pressures be applied. If all Presidential candidates are duly pressured, they will pledge to have all cars made or imported to the u.s to have at least five cameras and something like the black box of air crafts. Like seat belts and air bags were made mandatory standards and serve what percentage of the time versus mandatory vehicle cameras may? With about four 180+ degree cameras and at least one 360 degree cameras per vehicle in millions of vehicles, the blind cannot imagine the crimes it will prevent, so let us narrow it to the crimes it will help solve? Let the racist accident cop measure the old ways, but some living or dead victims cannot explain what really happened. The most honest driver or cop cannot compete with multiple footages from different vehicles and neighborhood cameras. Machines can sometimes be a lot more accurate than our precious human minds.

So do not buy the excuses of politicians, but instead suggest where they must submit or perish. You claim to be tough on crime, care about security, pledging billions on weapons, etc but how many billions will you pledge for universal culture of cameras and what other plans will you present or accept? How many homes have security cameras and how can insurance companies pressure the rest to buy such is fairly simple. Home owners can afford home cameras; vehicle owners can afford vehicle cameras; so how do we help the average worker and even the unemployed own multiple body cameras? I Ms. Harris or xyz is accused of soft on crime or a heartless prosecutor who enjoys locking up people without sufficient evidence? I ms. Harris is pledging up-to $300 tax deductibles on body cameras for all taxpayers who make less than $100,000 or xyz a year. Beyond such tax breaks, we are starting re-newable fine sharing and a special lottery if your camera helps solve certain crimes. Now minimum wage workers will buy at least three body cameras, swapping while others charge. If my body camera caught a thief or a man groping a girl, I get 15% or 25% of the fine, a thank you instead of distrust based on my past, poor memory, or in-eloquence; plus get entered in a lottery I may win one million dollars or xyz? Somebody better than Trump can fund such rewards in better ways than the racist ad Newyork times accepted from him against innocent folks? Or the government can understand sacrificing a few millions for a few years can get millions of people to buy and buy for others body cameras for a safer world. It does not matter if 10 to even 25% of those cameras end up in Africa or xyz. The very multi-billion dollar idea came through an African and if such cameras reduce crime in Latin America, I shouldn’t be more excited than Harris and others who claim to love the world and benefit from multiple countries than I do.

Universal Cannabis legalisation is arguably the most controversial one on my proposals, but one that is highly vital. Before any country legalized cannabis, I called for it in smarter and stronger ways than Norml, a respected organisation that weakly fought for cannabis legalisation before I was born. After experiencing U.S and as I matured, I was able to see the importance of legalisation before Obama, Trump, Harris, or any major u.s or world politician. I am not just bragging about being a visionary than these highly respected folks, but I am demanding to be carefully listened to, because I humbly listen to the Lord of conscience before speaking up on world stage. The earth is very small and God allows certain things for learning purposes. When Britney Griner was arrested in Russia over medical cannabis, it exposed many levels of hypocrisy beyond this discussion can handle. Pathetic feminists argued if it was male LeBron James, Biden would do more, but refuse to state if it was much poorer black American? Then Joe Biden+ waste how much time to free a ‘wrongly’ held person in Russia while thousands of sick Americans are denied or even arrested over medical cannabis?

The millions of Americans who benefit from medical cannabis must be grateful to my African type and the Marc Emery of Canada more than the questionable u.s politicians who are reluctantly under supporting cannabis legalisation, even within the U.S. Such gratitude does not mean just sending us appreciation checks, prayers, or words of praises; such gratitude means to fight for your right to travel without fear and to help the sick+ around the world who are wrongly denied the marvellous and mysterious medicine. I am aware of the few countries that have signed the agreement of honoring medical marijuana cards, but it needs to be worldwide. An American who wants to destroy his or her health with alcohol should not have more travel rights or privileges over an American or any citizen who needs Cannabis for higher health or basic functionality.

So we must ask ms. Harris and every candidate how they may help the millions of Americans who use Cannabis to travel without fear. Unfortunately, no u.s presidential candidate will likely care about how the world should legalize at least hemp, because they rather export hemp. More unfortunately, countries like the Gambia and countless other countries are now legal hemp consumers, but refuse to be legal producers until the public demands it. The stupid will always cowardly hang on to fractional facts, so the masses become guilty-victims until the Lord acts.

The importance of worldwide cannabis legalization is far beyond medical cannabis, but raising the world economies and other controversial benefits, but universally helpful. With hemp, every country literally has good ‘oil’ to some degree and can reduce bad oil. Some oil worshipping countries may not like that, but that reveals they are too lazy to farm hemp or ‘good oil’, want easy money against our earth, and others to be endlessly dependent or consumers?

Since every single one of these rights are discussed or have started in some countries, except Universal Adult Home Owning is yet to be seen as a right, so I am obligated to push harder on that particular right or target. My usual optional note(s) will have to be dedicated to that particular target. May God bless me immensely, curse my enemies, subdue my opponents, bless my sincere friends and every willing spirit through Showlove Trinity: Let’s learn, let’s work, let’s have fun.

Jarga Kebba Gigo

An Activist and Transformer

Author of Juts Quhr-aahn

Source: chronicle

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