28.2 C
City of Banjul
Monday, September 16, 2024


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Reduces TMT’s sanctions to 3 points forfeiture

The appeals committee of the Gambia Football Federation on Saturday set aside a previous sanction against second division league leaders TMT which stripped them off ten solid points, sending them crashing to the bottom of the table with only a game to the end of the season.

The measure taken by the disciplinary committee was seen to be too harsh and widely condemned as disproportionate to the crime of “mere criticism” of the GFF executive members.

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The club had criticised the GFF on its official Facebook page describing the federation’s leadership as “hustlers”.

The GFF management took offence at the comment and referred the matter to its disciplinary committee which concluded that TMT had engaged in “contemptuous publications” and attacks on the integrity of the national football governing body, and imposed a 10-point deduction punishment on the club which was on the verge of being declared champions with automatic promotion to first division.

The punishment drew sharp criticisms from the public which felt it was unfair and inordinately harsh.

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The GFF leadership refused to comment on the case saying it was a judicial decision taken by an independent body, the disciplinary committee, and that TMT could appeal if it felt unfairly treated. The club, backed by a massive public solidarity, lodged an appeal alongside a public apology

On Saturday under heightened public pressure and scrutiny, the appeals committee announced it has set aside the decision of the disciplinary committee and it is now reducing it to a 3-point deduction and a D25,000 fine. The committee maintained that TMT had committed an offence and should not go unpunished.

With the restoration of 7 points, with a match to go, TMT is surely well placed to certainly take one of the automatic qualification spots to the first division.

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