25.2 C
City of Banjul
Friday, October 18, 2024


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President Adama Barrow has filed a civil suit in the High Court claiming damages against journalist Musa Sheriff, the publisher of The Voice as first defendant and Voice Media Company as second defendant.

According to the writ of summons, the defendants are to appear in court on the 25th October to hear the claims against them and they are, within 30 days of being served, to enter their defense, if any.

The affidavit of the suit is signed by Seedy Njie, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly and deputy spokesman of the governing National People’s Party NPP.

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In it, Mr Njie, among other things alleged that he had not granted an interview to Musa Sheriff and was surprised that he was misquoted in the story about ”President Barrow Planning an Exit Plan and picking Muhammed Jah as successor”.

 When the story broke in late September, President Barrow’s lawyers wrote to The Voice threatening a law suit unless the newspaper apologises.

 However, shortly after, the police invited and charged both Mr Sheriff and his deputy editor Momodou Justice Darboe with false publication with the case coming to court on October 31.

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